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​Gary Every

Gary Every has been published over 1300 times and has authored 9 books as well as been a part of one CD, the poetry and jazz album Introducing The Mighty Minstrels.  Mr. Every feels that his work can be divided up three ways no matter how you look at it.  Sometimes he divides it into prose, poetry, and fiction.  Other times he divides it into journalism, science fiction, and beatnik.  He has discovered that he needs to explore all these fields in order to best explore his own human condition.

He has won awards for writing in several different fields including Best Lifestyle Feature from The Arizona Newspaper Association in consecutive years.  He has been nominated for the Rhysling Award for the years best science fiction poem four years in a row. His poetry and fiction have recieved several Pushcart nominations.

After spendng four years as a bonfirestoryteller at a posh resort outisde Tucson Mr. Every discovered a love of performing and now performs frequenly at slams, earth day shows, rock and roll concerts and pretty much anyplace they let him.

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